Life Solutions

Love is practical, really?

In a world that places a lot of emphasis on intelligence, knowledge and certifications, it is easy to lose sight of the amazing power of love. Coming from an engineering background, I had scorned love for most of my life, thinking love was too touchy-feely and not very “useful.” 

And then Life taught me to be humble and put me on my path so that I could learn many facets of love. The first and foremost was self love, which has been allowing me to be more patient with myself so that I don’t fall into the downward spiral of frustrations by being critical of myself. This gradual shift has been creating more space within me so that I become more compassionate for others as well.

When we are filled with love, there is no room for fear to propagate. Instead of being anxious and stressed about how things could go wrong, opening to love allows me to develop deeper peace. I can focus better, think more clearly and become less reactive to situations.

And there is Divine Love that I had not noticed before. As I become more aware of the universal loving energy, I am able to trust myself more. Instead of seeing failures and mistakes, I see lessons that support my growth and evolution. Opening to Divine Love allows me to move my life forward in ways that are beyond my imagination. This trust also helps me appreciate the sense of humor from the Universe.

As the world becomes more complex and changes at a faster pace, it is calling us to stop doing life on our own. Be open to the universal loving energy that is available to all of us. Whether you are looking for an extra boost to manifest a fulfilling relationship, realize your dreams, connect with your life purpose, or handle any challenges, Divine Love is here for you. You just have to be willing and receptive.

The topic for the Divine Mother Empowerment and Healing on February 28 is Opening to Love. Give yourself the gift of experiencing love that is beyond logic or comprehension. To participate live or listen to the replay, register for the session here: https://carmenlee.

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