Life Solutions

The Power of No!

Because of the stay-at-home order, many people have been using this time to clean up their living space. A home that is free of clutter and outdated items is conducive to welcoming new energy and better opportunities into our lives.

Decluttering is like saying no to things that do not represent where we are and what we want now. If you want to generate new energy to bring in more luck and synchronicities, consider saying no in other areas of your life.

If you were raised to be responsible and considerate like me, you can identify with the challenge in saying no to others. Yet when we keep putting others’ needs and demands over ours, it eventually will lead to resentment and burnout.

When we can’t express what we are unwilling to put up with, we are letting that spark within us to diminish. There is a deeper part of us who keeps track of all the things we say we want to do and be, yet we fail to act on it or take a stand for ourselves. Self trust erodes as a result.

When we say yes when we want to say no, we are not honoring our needs and wants. When we avoid the conversation on what isn’t working for us, we are disempowering ourselves.

Being acquiescent is okay if you want to live life on autopilot; but if you want to manifest your dreams and desires, be healthier, happier and prosperous in life, shying away from the “no” creates more roadblocks to what you desire.

We lack integrity when we do not honor ourselves; the lack of coherence within us weakens our energy field, which often leads to more obstacles and drama. These obstacles and drama are ways that Mother Nature is calling us back to our center and our truth!

If you are unclear on what you really want or what truly matters to you, you might end up saying yes to too many things, causing confusion, overwhelm or frustration. When the mental and emotional space is filled with clutter and noise, you end up reacting to situations costing more time and energy, and dissatisfaction perpetuates.

Decluttering the mental and emotional space is just as important, if not more important, than decluttering the physical space. Freeing up your mind and heart allows you to get clear on your priorities or personal values, which need periodic reassessment or when major life events occur.

Our personal values are anchors in our lives; we don’t compromise them despite pressure in life. We don’t put them aside when they are unpopular, socially, professionally or financially inconvenient. They help us act with clarity and courage, trusting what matters most to us is worth the conversation, the fight, the disapproval and other risks! Our values anchor us to live life fully instead of living in a trance.

As we make more conscious choices based on our personal values, we empower ourselves in daily life instead of waiting for someone or something to soothe or enlighten us.

Around my birthday last year, this little voice in me asked why am I hiding in my day job if I truly believe in the impact of the work I do with Divine Mother? I was shocked with this gentle but firm question, which felt like waking up the part of me that I had been avoiding for the sake of stability and financial security.

Since then, there had been numerous signs indicating that it was time to reassess my priorities so that I can live more in alignment with my values. I started making plans to transition out of my 20+ years of identity and employment. Being sensible and planful for decades, I realized this move would be so contrary to what I had perceived as my anchors in life!

It was one of the the hardest decisions and transition periods, yet there have been many signs and encounters showing me that this is the way. Had I got caught up with the chatter and stories that COVID-19 has stirred up in many people, I would not have noticed the signs. By saying no to old stories, beliefs, perceptions that no longer served me, I gain greater access to the clear heart and quiet mind that show my path, which has been illuminating all along.

I sincerely hope that the messages here spark something that has been dormant in you so that you will take the next step towards claiming your sovereignty! If you would like support getting clear on your personal values and living your dreams, contact me for a 1/2-hour free consultation to explore further.

With Infinite Blessings,


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