Life Solutions

Surprising Statistics About Our Mind

According to scientific research, we have 60,000 thoughts a day, and 90 to 95% are repetitive. Further, 80% of these habitual thoughts are negative, which might sound like:

“I don’t like this; I wish ___ would go away.”

“Who isn’t struggling these days!”

“I am stupid, too old, too young, not good enough, and so on….”

“I can’t stand my job.”

“Life is meant to be hard.”

“They are stupid, irresponsible and crazy.”

“This will never work.”

You might think: that’s not negative, it’s being realistic.

I don’t deny the tremendous challenges that we are experiencing, but letting events to drain and drag us down regularly is optional. The real question is: how resilient are you?

According to American Psychological Association,

“Psychologists define resilience as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress…As much as resilience involves “bouncing back” from these difficult experiences, it can also involve profound personal growth.”

What we think or how we feel about situations gives us great clues about the stories and baggages that we carry. That’s where profound personal growth comes in.

The more we focus on what we can’t change, the more it distracts us from what we can control. Many times, it is not about pushing harder or longer.

Because of the old stories that run in our mind, fully realizing what we can control requires a paradigm shift and augmenting our toolkit to replace old ones that used to work but aren’t working any more.

I am teaching a 7-week course that will cover groundbreaking insights and tools to expand your toolkit. When you become happier and more resilient, there is so much more space to be creative in dealing with uncertainty, loss and changes.

Don’t miss a chance to empower yourself with practical tools for navigating an uncertain and volatile world. The course will be uplifting and enlightening. Combining with coaching embedded in the course, it will be a life-changing experience.

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