Life Solutions

Fuelling Our Manifestation Power

I was raised with the belief that if I want something, I have to work hard for that. That’s why I was so intrigued when I first heard about the law of attraction.

Over the years, I came to realize that there is a greater force at play. I began to see the greatest challenges in my life “forced” me to uncover precious gifts within so that I could move closer towards my desires that my mind had shut out to “protect” me.

About 15 years ago, my health challenges drove me towards holistic healing. I didn’t realize my health crises were series of invitations to connect with my spirit. The voice of my inner wisdom was being drowned out by the busyness in life and noise in my mind.

What started out as a pursuit of my well-being has turned into a spiritual journey that allows me to support others in finding peace, joy and freedom within themselves.

Partnering with Divine Mother also helps me realize that it’s easier to manifest our desires when we have a greater connection with our spirits or souls.

The more we immerse ourselves in the Divine frequency, the stronger we are connected with our spirits. We also become more resilient.

When the anxiety, mental chatter, and judgements melt away, the mind is clear and at peace. As a result, we can see the bigger picture and make choices that move us towards our hearts’ desires.

Shifting the Paradigm on Manifestation

Divine Mother Healing can support us in resolving challenges, but we can easily fall into the stories that something in us is broken, wounded, and we need to be healed or fixed.

I believe the greater purpose of “healing” is to awaken the deeper part in us that brings great gifts and wisdom to fulfill our dreams and desires. The more we are able to do that, the more we have a positive impact on those around us without us trying so hard.

When our desires are stemmed from fear, insecurity, or lack, what we manifest may bring certain level of satisfaction. However, that frequency doesn’t allow us to tap into our full potential.

Manifesting out of joy and trust is a lot more wholesome and powerful. The frequencies of joy and trust are embedded deep within us, waiting to be uncovered. But we must be willing to stop identifying ourselves as wounded, incomplete, not enough, unworthy, and so on. That’s why self-love and self-trust are so important.

Wholesome manifestation is not about manipulating situations so that we can get what we want. It is also not about forcing ourselves to think positive thoughts with the agenda of attracting what we favor.

Wholesome manifestation is about being able to step fully into our totality – which means embracing all aspects of us, and seeing the beauty and gifts in our imperfections.

When we align our mind with our spirit, our hidden potential is revealed. Manifestation of our desires becomes a byproduct of the person we are becoming.

You know you are onto something special when situations keep turning out to be better than what you have originally wanted. Spirit plays a key role in the manifestation process.

Years ago, I was interviewing for promotions and got turned down many times. After feeling disheartened for a while, I came to accept the situation. Instead of focusing on what wasn’t going my way, I started appreciating the assignments I had. 

Several months later, a new position opened up and I got promoted. That particular promotion had allowed me to progress further along in my career than my peers. It also paved the way for subsequent assignments that were aligned with the coaching and healing work that I am focusing on now.

I had not planned any of that myself. My spirit knew that getting the initial promotions would not have served the bigger purpose of my life. In my little mind, all I had cared about was getting a promotion!

When we choose to connect with our spirits, we get to cultivate greater courage, faith and trust. As a result, we are more empowered to move through adversities.

What Gets in the Way of Manifestation

Great manifestors are often visionaries and dreamers. They don’t get bogged down by fear, past hurts, or experts’ opinions on why it can’t happen. Great visionaries have a deep sense of faith and knowing of what is possible.

To protect us, our brains are wired to look out for danger or what’s wrong with the world. Because of our lifestyle and conditioning, this part of our wiring is over-developed.

When we get hooked on disempowering stories about ourselves and life, it blocks our vision to see what is actually happening and what is possible.

When our psyche is cleared of disturbances, our spirits will guide us so that we don’t rely solely on facts, data, or experts’ opinions to make choices that affect our health, finance, relationships, career, and so on.

I remember a case when a client was thinking of divorcing her husband. Through our coaching process, she finally saw that she had a wonderful marriage. The people and situations in her life remained the same, but she saw what she couldn’t see before.

Around the same time, another client asked me to help her salvage her marriage. Through our work together, she realized it was time to end the relationship that had not been loving or supportive for a long time. She realized she deserved better.

Can you imagine the unnecessary strain or heartaches either woman would have to go through had they made their choices from a distorted perception of reality?

We all have our inner knowing on what we are here to manifest and experience. Our inner knowing is our intuition or spiritual insight. The accuracy of that spiritual insight is contingent upon how easily we are affected by external circumstances.

To be a powerful manifestor, it is necessary to develop a deeper connection with your spirit while cultivating your mental and emotional resilience so that you don’t operate on a distorted version of reality.

Do you have a sense that you are here to make a difference in this world? Do you have a pattern of trying many things but lacking the ability to see them through? Do you find yourself caught in cycles of discouragement, self-doubt, anxiety, or fear?

If you say yes, let me help you strengthen your clarity and resilience so that you can manifest what you truly deserve with greater ease. Check out my coaching offer here:

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