Are you good at accomplishing a lot? Do you like getting praises and acknowledgements for the hard work you put in?
I used to thrive on those too. But one day, I started to wonder if my happiness meter was too dependent on my accomplishments or people’s acceptance of me.
I started noticing the sparks in my eyes gradually disappeared, and it felt like there was a wall blocking my access to something deeper. I didn’t know that was Joy trying to break through the dense cobwebs I had built in my life.
Through my journey, I’ve learned that seeing ourselves as wounded or not enough versus seeing ourselves as whole and gifted with everything we need makes a huge difference on our trajectory.
It’s the difference between focusing on problems versus directing our attention to new possibilities or our dreams.
When I work with clients, I find it more life-affirming when I hold them in the space of compassion, beauty and giftedness, instead of identifying them as unhappy, lost, or unwell.
It’s not about positive thinking. It’s about anchoring into a more solid foundation to allow everything to unfold gracefully. With this truth as the foundation, it’s much easier to dissolve barriers that block us from owning our magnificence.
When we focus on “getting rid of” or “running away from” something or someone, the results will be limiting. When we focus on possibilities and learning, that will open doors leading to unimaginable opportunities.
The subtle but powerful difference between focusing on problems and allowing new possibilities came to me when I was working for an employer.
My boss would ask me to lead various initiatives that the organization had never embarked on. He saw my track record of being able to get things done. As a result, I developed a reputation of being great at execution. I had thought my strength was resolving conflicts.
It wasn’t until I participated in a leadership 360 assessment that I realized I am a visionary. That was the primary reason I was able to complete those assignments.
It is my vision, being able to see the possibilities when others can’t, that propel me to move through what others consider impossible or daunting.
Once I get clear on my strengths, I choose to develop and leverage what have been in me all along. This is about working smart instead of working hard.
The identifiers and stories we adopt can greatly affect the quality of our lives and manifesting our dreams. That’s why I am offering the 3 Keys to Reclaim Your Sovereignty to free you from self-limiting stories.
Join me in this fun and revealing webinar on Thursday at 5 pm Pacific.
You deserve greater Joy and Freedom. When you embrace that, you are giving yourself permission for your greatness to emerge. Your choice will create ripple effects, and you will notice a difference in those around you. Sign up now.
With Love,