Is it really better to give than to receive? How can one give if the other refuses to receive?
I believe both giving and receiving are just as important. One cannot happen without the other.
When we graciously receive a compliment, a gift or help from others, our appreciation brings joy and satisfaction to the givers. Our willingness to receive also shows the Universe that we are open to receive even more!
Whether you want to be happier or create a bigger impact on those around you, being a gracious receiver is an important practice. It trains you to receive abundance and support beyond your imagination!
If you take pride in overcoming challenges and performing, practice receiving will be like training new muscle memory. It can feel strange if you are used to running on adrenaline rush. The rush may feel exciting temporarily, but it’s not sustainable.
Addiction to adrenaline rush is an unconscious way to create more dramas or difficulties in life. Living on adrenaline rush takes a toll on the nervous system in the long run. Chronic stress causes us to age faster and is linked to many health concerns.
There are numerous factors that prevent us from being gracious receivers. Feeling unworthy is a common one, and it’s often unconscious.
We might convince ourselves that we are good hardworking people, and life is difficult. That’s easier to accept than acknowledging our self-sabotaging behaviors stemmed from unresolved painful experiences from the past. As a result, we keep ourselves in a loop of dramas and struggles.
Here are a few questions to see how open you are to receiving love and support:
- Does it feel like you are swimming against the current a lot?
- Do you think it’s up to you to make things happen?
- Do you not ask for help for fear that others will not do it right?
- Do you carry guilt or shame that prevent you from living your dreams?
- Do you feel others’ needs are more important than yours?
- Do you focus on what’s missing and struggle to see what’s going well?
If you answer yes to any of these questions, contact me to see how I can support you.
Being a gracious receiver is a form of self-love. If you want to let others support your goals and dreams, stop controlling situations and people, and start asking for help. This will open you to a new dimension of loving connection and an enriching life.
Strengthening the receptivity muscle is a practice. The more you practice receiving, the more synchronicities and serendipities will come your way. This also increases your capacity to give to others. Life will feel less exhausting and more rewarding.
May Your Heart be Full of Love and Support this Holiday Season and Beyond!