Life Solutions

Musings on Faith and Trust

A family member asked me if his brain condition can be cured. I found myself explaining the factors that play an important role in anyone’s healing process:

  • our will or desire to thrive instead of getting by
  • our faith in the process 
  • our trust in the practitioner or health care provider
  • our commitment to our own healing 

I reminded him that the power of healing lies within us. Our conversation concluded with him feeling more hopeful about his situation. For anyone who isn’t directly seeking my help, I can at least offer words of hope and encouragement.

Through my own healing journey, I have been exposed to several modalities. With each modality, I usually start with a bit of caution or skepticism. The tenet of the modality usually puts me outside of my comfort zone. I also question if it would work for me even if it has worked for others.

The turning point is usually when I notice some evidence of improvement. That increases my trust in the practitioner. I become more engaged, and that’s when the speed of my healing really picks up.

I have also found that the more aware I become, the faster I will notice the shifts and changes. This also increases my faith in the process.

As a daughter of elderly parents living overseas, I had wondered for years how I would be able to support them. Little did I know or expect that the Divine Mother healing is the key.

I started offering Divine Mother healing because my Dad had an undetermined health condition. 

My parents didn’t understand energy or my healing work. Yet the fact that their daughter was willing to take time regularly to do something for them was enough for them to say yes to my offer. 

In essence, their trust in me created the opening.

Unlike my clients who usually notice the shifts and changes, my parents often say their healing time is their nap time! They don’t recall what happens. Yet for three years, they have been listening to each recording I send them. 

Due to lack of feedback from my parents, I couldn’t be sure if the regular healing was helping them either. While my Dad’s condition has been stable, I couldn’t be sure if the healing was offering anything tangible for him or my Mom. 

It has taken me a while to recognize the evidence was there all along, just that it didn’t come in the form I had expected or I wasn’t conscious enough to notice it.

In the last 3 years since we started the regular sessions, my parents would tell me how strangers would show up unexpectedly to help them at the perfect time, medical appointments would open up for them when others had to wait, or no one would touch the wallet my mom accidentally dropped in a public garage. 

My Mom would laugh and say how lucky they were.

As I pondered faith and trust recently, I realize that my faith in Divine Mother propelled me to keep offering healing for my parents even though I couldn’t be sure if it was useful to them.

A week ago, a friend offered a Divine Mother healing for me. During the session, Divine Mother came through and said She has been watching over my parents, and that my work with them is providing certain protection for them. 

I burst into tears the moment I heard that. Divine Mother gave me what I had been longing to know intellectually.

There was a time I would say I trust Divine Mother more than I trust myself to do this work. I wasn’t sure where faith fit in the picture. One of my teachers recently said that faith arises from the heart, and trust is from the mind. We need both for healing to take place. 

Her remark sparked something in me, helping me realize that it has been my faith all along that allows my Divine Mother healing work to blossom. It is also because of my faith and trust in the Divine that helps me to be intentional about my life, instead of being distracted by shiny objects.

The more my heart and mind get aligned, the more healing happens for me, through me and around me. 

My logical mind doesn’t argue as much with my heart’s desires; they are more in sync now.  My EMG, a scan that assesses health of muscles and related nerve cells, looks better than ever. This internal alignment also allows me to perceive energy flow in my body.

As someone who was very disconnected with the body over a decade ago, this is huge for me.

The more aligned I am, the more I live in the state of flow, and the more effective I am with my work. After all, energy flows much better when the channel is clearer.

I am curious: what is faith and trust to you? And how is that supporting you in a practical way?

If you knew you were supported by a Higher Power, even if you didn’t really understand it, what would you do to move consistently towards your dreams? 

The December Divine Mother Empowerment and Energy Clearing session will be on December 31. Sign up here if you feel the call to join the community.

Wishing you a warm and beautiful holiday season.


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