There is a lot going on in the world. Do you feel the weight on your shoulder, feeling exhausted as you cope, adapt and slog away to meet all the demands?
If you often feel upset, overwhelmed, or irritated, your system may be in deficit. The chronically distressed tend to forget what it’s like to feel motivated or energized. Perseverance works for a while; eventually something’s got to give.
Having a daily inspirational practice is one way to raise your game. It increases credit to your mental and emotional bank accounts.
A daily dose of inspiration is best taken in the morning before the demands and distractions pull you off center. Inspiration can be reading a short passage, time in nature, journaling, movement, or anything that uplifts you.
If you don’t have a regular inspirational practice, start with 5 minutes first thing in the morning. If you already have a daily practice, it’s time to uplevel your practice. Your nervous system will thank you, opening you to new perspectives.
If you say “I don’t have time for inspirational practices,” think again. When life feels unmanageable, it’s easy to fall into the downward spiral. We become abrasive and narrow-minded. This in turn complicates our lives even more!
Inspirational practices can be relaxing and fun; the key is that they touch your heart so that you can feel greater hope and possibilities. In times like now, a daily practice is a necessity for the best version of you to emerge.
An entry point for inspirations is joining my private Facebook group – Peaceful Being, Joyful Living. I share simple reminders and insights to nourish your heart, mind and spirit regularly. Click here to join the group.
Another free offer that will support you in being your best is the Divine Mother Empowerment Session on the last Friday of every month. It’s a great way to get recharged. Participants often say how they feel refreshed and scrubbed afterwards : )
With Love,