Life Solutions

Go Beyond Prayers

At a gathering, a friend asked me about communicating with the invisible realm. He has been wanting to get messages from the other side. Specifically, he wanted to connect with his first wife who left the body over 20 years ago.

Not preparing for this type of conversation, I emptied my mind and turned to Divine Mother for guidance so that I could speak into what was relevant to him.

After offering compassion and comforting words, I found myself talking about those from the other side are often giving us messages. The challenge is: we are too busy and distracted to notice and listen.

As we continued, my friend revealed that he had thought of taking revenge against his first wife’s family because he believed they had contributed to her premature death. Praying helps him keep his resentment in check.

I emphasized that any emotional baggages we carry does not help us get messages from the other side. Our colored filters from past hurts and wrongs block us from taking in the full meaning and implication of the messages.

To truly listen, we need to be neutral and listen without agenda. It is critical to hold the intention of letting whatever comes to serve the highest and best good for all. We also need to be ready to hear what we don’t want to hear!

I once worked with a young mother who heard spirits communicating to her out of the blue. It was tumultuous for her because it was so unexpected. She also felt a lot of grief from remembering the loved ones who had crossed over. 

I was in awe when she told me it was the spirits who asked her to reach out to me. Given her state of overwhelm, I was amazed that she actually listened and followed through. 

To help her integrate her new abilities, we focused on resolving her unprocessed emotions while strengthening her nervous system so that she can trust herself to be of service to others.

Many of us are quite good at praying, especially when we are in trouble or want something to happen. Yet, we are not so great at listening to the Higher Power. 

The Divine speaks to us through all of creations – messages can come from nature, dreams, a small voice within us, a stranger, or something jumping out at us on the internet.

If we are too stubborn holding onto what we think is right, real, or true, we will miss out on messages that guide us towards the next step. When the mind is busy with chatter, daily occurrences will seem random, pointless and stressful.

If we slow down and pay attention, we will pick up on the cues that help us avoid drama and move through life with greater peace. With regular practice, we will find ourselves in the flow instead of swimming upstream.

In order to have what we want and sustain it, we often forget that we need to change habits, attitudes and mindsets that are not aligned with our desires.

For example, if we want to be wealthy, we need to examine our attitude towards money while revisiting our spending and saving habits.

When I wanted to resolve the tumors without surgery, I had thought the healers would waive their magic wands on me and the tumors would disappear miraculously.

I didn’t know it would involve opening myself to Divine Mother, allowing more spaciousness in me from changing my career, and loving into the sacredness and beauty of my body. 

Looking back, my healing journey has been a divinely designed curriculum. Each healer, teacher and guide helps me open my heart and free up my capacity incrementally so that I can take the next step. 

As I become more intentional, I am more attuned to the changes needed for my own healing. Over time I develop greater wherewithal to make instrumental changes in different areas of my life. As a result, I’ve got so much more than what I had originally asked for.

What if our pain and struggles are catalysts for us to awake to a greater version of us? What if our resistance blocks us from accessing the gifts and capacities that ultimately free us to manifest our heart’s desires?

When we are too distracted to notice the signs along the way, Life has a way to get us back on track incrementally. If we keep ignoring the signs or resist changing, crises will arise to get our full attention. 

Instead of limiting ourselves within the purview of the problems, let’s broaden our perspectives and learn from a higher plane. This often requires us to let go of the familiar that offers a false sense of security.

If we talk to the Divine through prayers, how do we listen to what the Divine asks of us? When we pay attention and truly listen, we will appreciate the beautiful and comprehensive ways our prayers are answered.

Listening requires discernment because messages from the Divine may not come in the form we anticipate. If we lack discernment, we will overinterpret situations or undermine wisdom from the messengers.

Quieting the mind strengthens our discernment. If you already meditate, take that up a notch. If you don’t like meditation, take walks in nature. Doing dishes or other house chores without distractions can be a great start.

As for my friend, who is a kind and generous man, is dissonant between his mind and heart. Decades of strategizing and intellectualizing have contributed to his success. He is called to put more attention on his heart so that he can expand. 

A week after our conversation, I came across a video that aligned with our exchange. I shared the video with him, marveling at the right support arriving at the perfect time. We just have to be able to recognize that and act on it.

If you want to cultivate greater clarity and courage to go for your dreams and goals, contact me for a 1/2-hour consultation and see how I can support you.

With Love and Blessings,

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