Life Solutions

True Empowerment

I recently read research findings on how centenarians stay happy and healthy. These findings include eating and drinking in moderation, moving the body regularly, maintaining a social network, and having faith and a life purpose.

These findings are common sense, but many people cannot live up to these commitments. Knowing what’s good and healthy for us is one thing; being able to follow through with what we know is an entirely different story. 

One of the common challenges many of us have is overindulgence. It often starts with something small, and it snowballs into habits that we can’t shake off. We then rely on these indulgences to take the edge off discomfort in life.

When we can’t make the very choice that we know is wholesome for us, we are disempowering ourselves. Trust erodes when we don’t show up for ourselves. To shift the self-defeating pattern, resolving deeper causes is often necessary.

A client wanted to change his habit of binge eating and binge watching TV. During the session, lots of stubborn energies showed up in his solar plexus. This energy center affects our abilities to digest life’s experiences and step into our power.

I was in awe by how “bright” he looked after the session. He then told me a spiritual ceremony he had years ago. The group used plant medicine to get into an “elevated state,” and he sensed the unwholesome energy of the leader. 

Although he withdrew from the ceremony early on, he had to seek help from others to clear the energy. The purity of Divine Mother energy from our session allowed for a deeper cleansing.

A few weeks later, he shared that he has stopped binge eating or watching TV. He found himself doing his practices more easily. As a result, he is in such a positive and constructive state that he has been sending good vibes to support the Argentinian Soccer Team players he is connected with.

His case is a bit unusual, but I have seen how clearing the solar plexus has opened new pathways for clients. As a result, they are able to lose weight, get pregnant, express themselves, heal themselves, or simply move on in life.

True empowerment is being able to make choices that enliven us. We feel equipped to face challenges. We don’t need others to do what we want to feel better. We respect our differences while being able to chart our own course. 

I used to associate power with Superman or Wonder Woman. I admire their strength and determination in saving the world. Through my journey, I have also come to appreciate the “softer” side of power. Mary Poppins come to mind!

Being powerful is not necessarily about being forceful or the loudest. We do not need to make others wrong to push our agenda. Being pushy can upset the sense of safety, leading to more resistance from those we care.

When our thoughts, words and actions are aligned, we walk with grace authentically. We exude a strong presence that offers a luminous space inspiring others to do and be what they didn’t think they could.

Being in our power is knowing when to be a bulldozer and when to move like water. Bulldozer can do a lot of heavy lifting, and water is more versatile. Water can erode hard surfaces, seep into cracks, and nurture all forms of life. 

Many life changing and healing moments are results of gentle gradual processes waking up the human psyche so that we can tap into our full potential. 

When we are in our power, we don’t look to certain substances or experiences for a “spiritual high.” I often hear seekers not knowing how to integrate their blissful experiences. As a result, they had to put up with the “side effects.”

We are spirits in human bodies. There is a reason why we take a body to be on Earth. No matter how amazing the experience is, anything that prevents us from being fully present in life is worth examining. What are we escaping from?

Wholesome and empowering spiritual experiences propel us forward in life, helping us face challenges with courage, grace and ingenuity. We embrace the “here and now” instead of looking to the next “peak experience” to sustain us.

Each of us has unique gifts needing to be revealed. It’s a matter of whether we give ourselves the grace to cultivate them. Many people ignore the calls until crises come along. Please do not wait because the journey can be rocky.

The holiday season is a great time to reflect on what true empowerment means to you. If you could step into your power 24/7, what would you choose, how would your life be changed, and how would that affect those around you? 

I would love to support you in uncovering your gifts from empowering yourself. It will be a fun magical carpet ride with Mother Earth holding us. Contact me if you hear the little voice within nudging you to take on this adventure.

With Love and Infinite Blessings,

“I Empower Change Leaders to Rise Above
Circumstances and Live In Peace, Joy,
and Freedom in Being their Authentic Selves.”

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