Life Solutions

Difference between Emotions and Feelings

Do you know that a common cause of dis-ease is unresolved emotions? 

We often think it is the immediate issue that causes anger, sadness, anxiety, overwhelm, and so on. In reality, those emotions have been building up since we were a child or as early as when we were in our mother’s womb. 

When we were little, we didn’t know how to process emotions. We set them aside so we could keep going. As the emotional debt accumulates, the buildup leads to health conditions and other life challenges. We also age faster.

Analyzing the past or talking about what is upsetting us may be comforting temporarily; it is working at the mental level. For us to fully heal and move on, we need to be able to feel the bodily sensations triggered by these emotions. 

There is a subtle but significant difference between feeling the emotions versus feeling the bodily sensations. The former works with stories and thoughts, and the latter works with energy (or quality of emotions) and the body. 

We don’t need to relive the stories to heal ourselves.

What the conscious mind knows is a tiny fraction compared to that of the subconscious. When we open the communication channel between the conscious and subconscious mind, new thoughts and perceptions emerge.

This development creates the environment for our cells to pick up the right messages, turn on or off the genetic codes for the right chemistry to be produced for our renewal. We heal ourselves and those around us as a result.

I will go into greater depth in my upcoming course Embody the Healer Within. Sign up if you are ready to free yourself from emotional baggages and enliven your self-healing capacity!

With Love and Joy,

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