The recent storms in California reminded me the importance of honing our abilities to weather storms in life.
It is easier to stay calm and focused when things are going well. How we behave in unexpected and difficult situations shows how robust our nervous systems are.
Our survival instincts have been protecting us from harm. We learn when to defend for ourselves or run away from dangers. When we feel threatened by conflicts, we learn to please others or hold back for artificial harmony.
Our survival mechanism has kept us safe, but it is overdeveloped, shutting down certain communication channels in the nervous system. As a result, we can’t access information and resources for healing or creative problem-solving.
Whole system healing cannot happen until we are aware that the mind has a tendency to look out for dangers to protect us. It orients us to focus on the external world. We need to train our mind to pick up subtle signals within us.
When we focus on watching out for dangers or wrongs of the world, we restrict our energy and blood flow. We lose sleep from worrying, brain fog develops, and we become forgetful. We attribute fatigue and body aches to change of weather or aging.
With all the barriers diminishing the quality of life, we end up choosing what is easy and convenient in the short term instead of choosing what is true and right in the long run.
I used to think living with integrity was a conscious choice. Over time, I came to realize when people don’t follow through or walk their talk, it is often because they don’t have the bandwidth to weather the storms in their lives.
Whenever I am triggered by the “shoulds” or “should nots” because of “them,” I am learning to be creative in meeting where they are without losing myself. As a result, I gain deeper peace and greater freedom.
My thinking mind has helped me through schools and move up the ladder in my previous profession. It has also cost me to neglect my well-being. My busy mind led to greater anxiety and decisions with consequences that I am still living with to this day.
By rebuilding my nervous system and energy field, I am able to stay calm and neutral about the recent storms’ impact on my home. In 1997, I was not affected by the intense storms, but I wasted time and energy worrying possible flooding in my area.
One of our calls in life is to refine our capacities so that we do not suffer from similar mistakes, wounding or self-defeating behaviors with different faces and situations.
Developing an inner state of equanimity no matter what is happening “out there” serves us now and into our future. To strengthen our capacities to weather the storms, I invite you to my two events next week:
Awaken Your Self-Healing Capacity – This free webinar offers a unique and comprehensive approach to strengthening your system. When you master the ability to hande storms in your life, you live with integrity and become a healing presence around you. Click here to find out more.
Balancing the Water Element In Us and Around Us – This is the January topic for the Divine Mother Empowerment Session. Water plays a key role on Earth, and our bodies are mostly made up of water. In energy medicine, the water element is connected with our emotions. This free group meditation is intended to support balance for All of Life. Click here to register.
May you connect with more of your wholeness as you traverse the roller coaster of life.
With Love,