Life Solutions

Embrace the Healer Within

It was momentous when I learned that the electromagnetic energy system is the master system that builds the nervous system in an embryo. The nervous system dissipates with death, but the electromagnetic energy system stays on. 

Both the electromagnetic energy system and the central nervous system need to communicate well with each other for our lives to work smoothly. It was then that I realized the soul is connected with the electromagnetic field!

We all experience life differently because of the various permutations of coherence and distortion in our energy fields. The distortions are often caused by unprocessed experiences in our lives. 

Within this framework, I realized Divine Mother Energy Healing opens the communication between the electromagnetic field and central nervous system.

This explains why clients often doze off or feel very peaceful during a healing session. The mind needs to get out of the way for the communication channels to be rebuilt. 

It also explains why Divine Mother has helped clients get pregnant, go through end-of-life transitions, and affect unusual healing phenomena.

If the human body is only a tiny aspect of who we are, the key to master our lives is to work with the master system. We need to identify ourselves as an energy being with a body instead of a human being working with energy.

When I keep the communication channel open between my soul (the electromagnetic energy system) and body (my nervous system), I heal much faster. 

I stopped seeing my chiropractor and I can easily dissolve pain or tension in my body. My dreams give me insight and uplift me from emotional baggages. I also get more accurate intuitive guidance faster.

The challenge in opening communication between both systems is the busy mind. When it gets distracted, chews on who is right or wrong, or criticizes the self, it is hard for the brain to pick up sensory inputs from the body. 

Engineering was my former career of 20+ years, and my intellect was important to me. Being smart and strategic contributed to a few aspects of my life, but it doesn’t support all aspects of my life.

I’ve learned to train the mind to listen to my soul and body. The more I let my soul to be in the driver seat, the more my life opens up in miraculous ways.

Physical and emotional healing happens, codependency dissolves, family dynamics improve, nourishing friendships deepen, financial gains occur in the most unusual circumstances, and synchronicities keep flowing in. 

Someone said synchronicities are “very intentional and on-purpose winks from the Universe.”  To me, synchronicities are subtle signs from the Universe indicating that I am on the right path.

All these train me to focus more on my Wholeness than my brokenness. As I am often in awe and wonder, it brings me joy. I am not exuberant, but the depth of joy allows me to trust myself and life. I heal without trying so hard.

Because I have benefited so much from this work, I am excited to share what I have learned with you in my upcoming course: Embody the Healer Within.

Many of us learn through bits and pieces. That satisfies the mind but it rarely is transformational. I offer an integrative learning environment because it helps you connect the dots. Healing happens faster when we become more aware.

Contact me if you have questions about this course. If you know someone who resonates with the integrative approach to healing and renewal, please share this invitation with them. Thank you!

With Love and Joy!

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