Have you ever felt tingling or goosebumps when someone says something to you, or is your mind usually too busy processing the information?
In professional development courses I attended, I did not hear anything about listening with the body. I didn’t know that by tuning into body sensations, we can access a wealth of insights that our eyes, ears and brains cannot register.
Years ago, I was perplexed by how some people could feel different sensations in the body. I felt nothing. Sure, I have always felt emotions, relaxed, or tired in the body, but I was not aware of the range of sensations available to me.
Back then I was doing very well relying on my mind to analyze information and make decisions. I didn’t know my body had become so numb due to experiences I couldn’t handle.
When I started with Divine Mother Energy Healing, my clients were getting amazing results right away even though I was not embodying the wisdom of the work. I had thought may be I wasn’t built to feel energy. Then one day…
I noticed my feet were vibrating slightly while I was doing dishes!
After similar recurrences, I realized that the strong vibration from a group I was involved with caused my feet to vibrate. In other words, healing and insights started before the actual event!
As I keep raising my body awareness, I learn that my body is like a tuning fork helping me discern what information, relationships, offerings, foods, and so on are most relevant to me at that time of my life. The strength of the felt sense varies depending on the vibrational match between me and the “subject.”
What may be true or popular to many may not be true for me. As situations in my life continue to work out better than I think, I develop a more trusting and intimate relationship with my body.
Learning to use the body for discernment is a game changer, especially when we are overwhelmed with opinions and information, struggling with who to believe and what to trust.
Consulting the body calms the mind. There is no need for analysis paralysis or worrying about what we will miss out on. Attuning to body wisdom regularly reveals how little the mind knows about the factors leading to the desired outcome.
If you tend to collect ideas but do not act on them, practice body awareness. Notice sensations when thoughts or ideas come up; breath into the area(s). Connecting the body with breath solidifies ideas that are floating in the ether.
Knowledge is not power until we learn to apply and adapt it to our specific situation in a way that keeps us motivated.
Whole body awareness also trains ourselves to be more present. When we practice noticing nuances in body sensations, the mind slows down. Instead of thinking, worrying or judging, we train the mind to be the observer.
The more present we are, the less often we resist or judge events in our lives, make up stories about situations, or regret the past. Our attention allows us to be laser focused. We also stop procrastinating and chasing our tails.
If you feel alone or not supported, connecting with the body helps you tap into the wellspring within. That is your source for becoming enlivened, supported and nourished again. You will notice resources you didn’t see before.
When we breath into our core consciously, we can hold space for people who are upset. Our presence allows them to feel heard. Breakthroughs and insights emerge. They come up with answers for themselves. It works like magic!
When the body is so numb that it can’t sense and feel into what’s true and relevant, it is like having a stuffy nose. We can’t take in as much oxygen. As a result, our tissues and organs degenerate faster. We feel dull and tired.
When we have practices to enliven our sensory perceptions, it is like the nose is clear and we can take in more oxygen. We become refreshed and nourished. We can even enjoy beautiful fragrances in the air. Life becomes pleasurable.
Some of us do not want to feel into our bodies because we haven’t fully processed past hurts or traumas. We can reconcile with these imprints without reliving the past.
If you are ready to receive the precious gifts of your body for healing and renewal, contact me for a 1/2-hour free consultation and see how I can support you.
With Love and Pleasure,