Life Solutions

From Manifestation to Living in the Flow

One of my earlier adventures in life was experimenting with manifestation. I got pretty good at manifesting what I wanted, but my satisfaction was short-lived. I would find new challenges or goals to attain because I could not be satiated.

Over time, I realized the flaw in manifestation. When I focused on manifesting what I wanted, I inherently casted judgement on what I didn’t like. That created tension in me. Living in the duality of life was losing its appeal to me.

My exploration then led me to tools that allowed me to flow with the roller coaster of life gracefully and confidently. I’ve become more present, viewing situations with equanimity and curiosity. Living in the flow helps me experience fulfillment and a sense of wonder that I didn’t know was possible. 

Using manifestation tools to get what we want is like using meditations or vacations to experience peace and bliss. When the event is over, we go back to our way of life. We look forward to the next event to feel better. 

Living in the flow covers a broader territory than manifesting desires. When we learn tools that strengthen us outside of these exalted experiences, we carry the momentum for leveling up. It is like the power of compound interest.

When we are in the flow, we stop resisting or fighting against our feelings. We come in alignment with the laws of nature. Time expands, opportunities present themselves, and unexpected abundance showers upon us. 

All these become available because we take a stand on befriending our true nature. Instead of focusing on getting our way or running away from what makes us uncomfortable, we come to realize our full potential.

Being able to open and receive great gifts from the Universe requires pivotal shifts in our internal landscape. If we are used to giving instead of receiving, we might think we need to fulfill certain conditions to deserve these gifts. 

Many of us are taught that it is better to give than to receive. If we keep giving and cannot receive, it eventually creates imbalance in us and around us. Many struggles we have are indications of imbalance or disharmony within.

We are going through major transitions in our evolution. Some call them upgrades or awakenings. Regardless of the labels, these transitions are less arduous if we stop resisting the Universal Intelligence flowing through us.

This is also the time to strengthen our Divine connection. Instead of telling clients what the connection will open up in them, I prefer offering tools to help them experience what an intimate connection with the Divine is like. 

I am hosting a free webinar where I will talk about how we can position ourselves to receive the great gifts from the Universe. When we receive them with reverence, we create a better world for ourselves and those around us. 

If you are inspired to live in the flow or realize your full potential, check out my Rebirth Essentials offering. Contact me if you have questions or are unsure if that’s the right fit for you.

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