Life Solutions


During this beautiful time of the year, many spiritual traditions celebrate the light that is available to us and within us. Remembering to “turn on” that light brings us peace and illuminates beautiful possibilities for others.

During my recent trip to Hong Kong, I visited my uncle who had been struggling with various ailments. I was so immersed in the conversation with my aunt that I almost forgot I wanted to attend to my uncle.

Once I settled down and tuned in, an “official” healing didn’t feel appropriate. I started intending love from my body, letting that energy to encompass the three of us. I had no specific goal other than alleviating suffering.

After a while, my uncle, who had been struggling with fecal impaction, had a productive bowel movement and felt much better. He sensed that I helped him and was open to meditating with me. As we said quietly, he noticed energy opening another part of his body.

My uncle used to practice subtle energy work, but something from over 10 years ago caused him to stop his practice. Because of the breakthroughs, he declared he would resume his practice. 

I gathered that his decision came from remembering his connection with his soul. Being human in a body is transient, but the soul journey is eternal. There is nothing more important than connecting with one’s true essence!

Remembering our soul connection frees us in unexpected ways. I have seen clients being able to shed inhibitions causing them to linger in the human bodies when there were indications that they needed to let go and transition. 

On the other hand, I have also helped clients connect with their souls by reassembling their fragmented energies. They returned to a vibrant state and recommitted themselves to living life to the fullest. It is a form of rebirth.

We often tie our activities with reaching specific goals, which is mostly driven by the mind or ego. When we invite the soul to be part of our daily living, we have greater access to the peace, clarity, and freedom that is not dependent on the environment, circumstance or outcome.

Soul connection goes beyond the mind or intellect. The soul shows their loving presence at the cellular level. This enlivens the body and promotes healing. That frequency of love melts barriers that hinder our divine connection.

Loving presence is not the same as liking something or someone because they make us feel better. It is about being able to be with it all! It is being equanimous even when the world seems chaotic and others’ priorities, beliefs, and opinions contradict ours.

Loving presence helps us see the beauty of the soul instead of getting caught up with the behaviors and stories. This presence creates safety and calm, which in turn supports us and others access our wherewithal.

Loving presence helps us engage life with openness and curiosity. We let the soul to show us the gift of the situation when we catch ourselves dwelling on what is not going well, faults of others or our deficiencies.

Many talk about the importance of being present in the moment. The mental approach is to remind ourselves to be present. A more comprehensive approach is to resolve accumulated energy from past hurts and traumas. This means making peace with the favorable and unfavorable aspects of ourselves.

When we free ourselves from old imprints that haunt us, being present becomes a natural state of being! There is no resistance or obstacles in creating the future that we desire. 

To optimize your experience this holiday season, take a few moments daily to connect with your body and soul. Find fun and creative ways to ramp up your “connection” if you already have a daily practice. 

When we focus on thinking and doing, we can easily forget connecting with the body and soul. The more we integrate the body, mind, heart and soul in daily living, the easier it is to remember who we truly are and live authentically. 

When we are authentic, we are congruent. The energy flows without obstructions, and we can transform anything. Our lightness of being magnetizes greater harmony, beauty, love and luck to us and around us.

The time of this year is very conducive to expanding our spiritual connections. If you want to collaborate with your soul to dissolve old limitations and reveal the beautiful diamond in you, contact me and see how I can support you.

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