Decide Now, Stop Waiting

For a few months, I delayed my plans because I was waiting for decisions from families and communities. They couldn’t decide because many situations were in flux. It was unsettling to me because I felt like I was at the mercy of many.

When I finally turned inward and inquired about the delays, it became clear that the indecisions I experienced from others reflected parts of me I was not aware of. I saw how my doubts and indecisions were hindering fruition of my desires.

With that awareness, I decided that I will not wait anymore and I am an influencer. The landscape started to change. New opportunities opened up, and I got new ideas on how to move forward. I also gained an ally for my project.

This type of decision is not only a mental process. It is a commitment to engage my heart and the dreamer in me so that new possibilities and insights can emerge. It helps by asking: if there were no limits, what would I want?

Suffering happens if we keep thinking we want something but we can’t have it. If we want to break this cycle, we must be willing to visit the land of possibilities. Instead of dwelling on struggles, ask open-ended questions.

Every time we catch ourselves thinking how it has never worked before and will never work, we can ask “What am I not seeing? If this recurrence is there to help me grow and evolve, how can I approach this differently?”

Our commitment to seeing ourselves, others and situations differently dissolves cognitive biases. It helps us think differently and notice solutions we often overlook. For things to change, we must first clear the fog from our lenses.

We often think our health, loved ones, the economy, or political scene needs to get better before we can feel better. When we commit to become better before things get better, our situations will improve. 

This decision to commit means we take ownership of everything—good or bad—that we experience.

Taking ownership of life challenges doesn’t mean blaming ourselves. It means we are willing to own our abilities to create the changes we want to see. We often unconsciously create what we don’t want. It is time to be more aware.

When we are upset because what others are doing or not doing, an aspect of us needs healing. If we run into similar issues repeatedly, our higher selves want us to own more of our capacities so that we can be the solutions we seek.

A woman had been stressed because of extensive mental health issues in the family. Although she was primarily concerned of the younger generations, she realized healing was needed between her, her parents and grandparents.

During our time together, she experienced the beauty of her heart and we opened the communication between her conscious and subconscious mind. As a result, she is able to perceive what she couldn’t in the last seven decades.

Her energetic shifts also opened the connection between her and her ancestors for healing the family discords. By taking ownership of her healing, she also found creative ways to improve the well-being of those alive. 

I often come across women who have done a fair amount of spiritual work or healing on themselves. Their common challenge is feeling helpless when their loved ones are going through challenges but aren’t open to deeper healing.

My vision for these women is: they are so radiant and graceful that they become the stable containers for their families. Their vibrational essence is so strong that their loved ones are transformed miraculously or they start committing to their wellness at levels they have not done before. 

I know this is possible because I have seen it happening when my clients decided to step up to be the healing surrogates for their families.

Many of us are afraid of our true power. We acquiesce while waiting on our loved ones, hoping they will change. Reclaiming ourselves is a wholesome way to support our families, even when it means ruffling their feathers.

Making our loved ones’ lives easier and praying for them are helpful. The results can be sporadic. When we choose to be the stable containers that can hold our loved ones without expectations, transformations happen. 

When we cultivate that radiance within us, we become the glue that can hold everything. All the pieces come together without us trying so hard. This is where our true power lies. We free ourselves and others from suffering.

We can continue to live in the consciousness of good or bad and wait for things to get better. Or we can decide that all our relationships exist to help us cultivate that radiance and true power that we have been so afraid to own.

At the soul level, what if we are the one that our ancestors and families have been waiting for?

Cultivating our radiance is the best way to support our families. Contact me if you want to explore how you can help break the intergenerational discords.

With Love,


Decide Now, Stop Waiting!

For a few months, I delayed my plans because I was waiting for decisions from families and communities. They couldn’t decide because many situations were in flux. It was unsettling to me because I felt like I was at the mercy of many.

When I finally turned inward and inquired about the delays, it became clear that the indecisions I experienced from others reflected parts of me I was not aware of. I saw how my doubts and indecisions were hindering the fruition of my desires.

With that awareness, I decided that I will not wait anymore and I am an influencer. The landscape started to change. New opportunities opened up, and I got new ideas on how to move forward. I also gained an ally for my project.

This type of decision is not only a mental process. It is a commitment to engage my heart and the dreamer in me so that new possibilities and insights can emerge. It helps by asking: if there were no limits, what would I want?

Suffering happens if we keep thinking we want something but we can’t have it. If we want to break this cycle, we must be willing to visit the land of possibilities. Instead of dwelling on struggles, ask open-ended questions.

Every time we catch ourselves thinking how it has never worked before and will never work, we can ask “What am I not seeing? If this recurrence is there to help me grow and evolve, how can I approach this differently?”

Our commitment to seeing ourselves, others and situations differently dissolves cognitive biases. It helps us think differently and notice solutions we often overlook. For things to change, we must first clear the fog from our lenses.

We often think our health, loved ones, the economy, or the political scene needs to get better before we can feel better. When we commit to becoming better before things get better, our situations will improve. 

This decision to commit means we take ownership of everything—good or bad—that we experience.

Taking ownership of life challenges doesn’t mean blaming ourselves. It means we are willing to own our abilities to create the changes we want to see. We often unconsciously create what we don’t want. It is time to be more aware.

When we are upset because what others are doing or not doing, an aspect of us needs healing. If we run into similar issues repeatedly, our higher selves want us to own more of our capacities so that we can be the solutions we seek.

A woman had been stressed because of extensive mental health issues in the family. Although she was primarily concerned about the younger generations, she realized healing was needed between her, her parents and grandparents.

During our time together, she experienced the beauty of her heart and we opened the communication between her conscious and subconscious mind. As a result, she is able to perceive what she couldn’t in the last seven decades.

Her energetic shifts also opened the connection between her and her ancestors for healing the family discords. By taking ownership of her healing, she also found creative ways to improve the well-being of those alive. 

I often come across women who have done a fair amount of spiritual work or healing on themselves. Their common challenge is feeling helpless when their loved ones are going through challenges but aren’t open to deeper healing.

My vision for these women is: they are so radiant and graceful that they become the stable containers for their families. Their vibrational essence is so strong that their loved ones are transformed miraculously or they start committing to their wellness at levels they have not done before. 

I know this is possible because I have seen it happening when my clients decided to be the healing conduits for their families.

Many of us are afraid of our true power. We acquiesce while waiting on our loved ones, hoping they will change. Reclaiming ourselves is a wholesome way to support our families, even when it means ruffling their feathers.

Making our loved ones’ lives easier and praying for them are helpful. The results can be sporadic. When we choose to be the stable containers that can hold our loved ones without expectations, transformations happen. 

When we cultivate that radiance within us, we become the glue that can hold everything. All the pieces come together without us trying so hard. This is where our true power lies. We free ourselves and others from suffering.

We can continue to live in the consciousness of good or bad and wait for things to get better. Or we can decide that all our relationships exist to help us cultivate that radiance and true power that we have been so afraid to own.

At the soul level, what if we are the one that our ancestors and families have been waiting for?

Cultivating our radiance is the best way to support our families. Contact me if you want to explore how you can help break the intergenerational discords.

With Love,


I help clients regain vitality,
transcend limitations, and
rise to their magnificence.

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