Life Solutions

The Power of Reframing

I recently learned that jellyfish are the ocean’s most efficient swimmers. They may not be the fastest, but they spend less energy in their travels compared to other sea animals. 

Watching the graceful movement of jellyfish reminds me that speed does not necessarily mean efficiency. Like the jellyfish, we need contractions to propel us forward.

Many of us do not like contractions because they don’t feel good. If we are aware and know how to work with the tension and unpleasant feeling, we can turn that energy into rocket fuel.  

I often hear people say they cannot do or become what they want because they are affected by negative people or energy. I can relate to that. There was a time I taught people how to use tools to block negative energy for self-protection. 

Little did I know, the tools that blocked the negative energy also blocked more good coming into my life.

Avoidance, isolation, or having energetic shields is not sustainable because these strategies are based on fear. Fear stresses the nervous system and blocks creativity, preventing us from living a healthier and more joyful life.

There are wholesome ways to refine our systems so that we can transmute the negative energy. What if encountering negative energy is an invitation to refine our systems so that we can become more vibrant?

From Ayurveda, I learned that if a person’s sleep is interrupted, it is considered as an imbalance. If a person passes gas regularly, it’s considered as an imbalance. In other words, these symptoms indicate remedies are needed.

As I dive into energy medicine, I notice passing gas is one way the body releases and reconfigures stagnant energy. Waking up in the middle of the night is one way our systems receive healing breakthroughs and insights.

What is considered as an imbalance or “problematic” for one may actually be a sign of healing for another. Neither Ayurveda nor energy medicine is wrong. We just need to understand the context before we apply what is relevant to us.

Many things in life seem to contradict each other. If we are willing to slow down and look beyond the superficial, we can examine the context within which each interpretation is valid. We can then connect the dots and see the bigger picture.

If we do not care about the context, it is easy to find evidence that reinforces our worldviews. As a result, we make similar choices that perpetuate the cycles we have been wanting to free ourselves from.

In a world overflowing with information, it can be challenging to discern what is true and make the best decision. By training the mind to listen to our intuition, we are more able to make choices that serve us in the near and long term.

When I first learned to connect with the Divine, I would ask if I should do this or that. This process has helped me immensely, allowing me to make life-changing decisions that I would not have made otherwise.

As I continue to grow, I realized asking the “should” questions was limiting me in becoming a cocreator with the Universe. I had thought if I made a choice that deviated from the pre-defined path, bad things would happen. 

Owning that I am a creator of my life, I changed my question to: how can I refine my system for manifesting my desires? This opens doors beyond my expectations because I become a vibrational match for what I desire and more. 

When we are creating, we may encounter obstacles causing us to think it is not meant to be. While that may be true, it is also possible that our nervous systems and energy have not been updated to align with our desires. 

To discern whether it is time to refine our systems, it helps to observe our inner landscapes. How do we feel when what we want isn’t happening? If we feel any form of upset, there is work to do.

Take anxiety as an example. It is understandable to feel anxious about change, even if it is something we want. We can do different things to calm ourselves down or shift us out of anxiety.

For chronic anxiety, however, the energy in the system doesn’t know how to organize itself. Calming it down may help in the short term but not in the long run. It needs to be reconfigured and repurposed for optimal use. 

A client with a history of depression and anxiety came to me because she didn’t feel productive. After working together for a few weeks, she felt so energized and productive that she started to taper off her medications. 

Her progress illustrates the power of reframing. Instead of focusing on the stories and stigma around the diagnoses, we saw her having potential energy that can be repurposed to do something more constructive.

During the repurposing process, there were moments of discomfort that must be felt for the breakthroughs to occur. It is like a jellyfish needing to contract its bell or body so that it can move efficiently in the ocean. 

Healing is not limited to resolving what is ailing a person. Instead of focusing on getting rid of what is wrong, my journey has been about helping people access treasures that got deeply buried. 

While clients come to me because of specific concerns, their healing often involves reclaiming the energy that was left behind in other time frames. As a result, they reconnect with allies and gifts they have long forgotten.

Since we shape our reality with our attention, I prefer to see healing as a way to excavate treasures instead of only focusing on resolving concerns. If we want a better world, more of us need to tap into our full potential.

Wishing you a bright and miraculous 2025!

With Love and Light,

I help clients regain vitality,
transcend limitations, and
rise to their magnificence.

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