People have asked me how I knew it was time to leave my career of 20+ years, and how I knew I would be okay after leaving a secure high paying job with great benefits.
The answer is I didn’t.
I did get a nudge from Divine Mother, but it didn’t come in the way I had wanted. There was no guarantee that it would be sunshine and roses if I took the leap of faith.
The guidance didn’t come in like a big bang either. In fact, I heard one simple question; it went something like this – if you believe in the healing work with Divine Mother, what are you doing in this job?
I had thought I was doing well, incorporating spiritual principles–like honesty, patience, compassion and kindness–in my work. When that question came to me, I was shaken up.
I realized I had been living out of integrity with myself. I had chosen financial security over spirituality. Ironically, financial security was not even one of my personal values.
I knew my personal values well. While I thought I was living my values, I also had a sense that I wasn’t living full out. I told myself I had no time to explore, until that question came around my birthday in 2019.
It has been two years since I left my former career. With deep gratitude, I can now say I made the right choice. The gifts and opportunities have been more amazing than I could have imagined. I discover what I am made of. It’s also refreshing to see where the genuine care and support comes from.
In my recent interview with MysticMag, I talked more about the evidences that showed me why I was meant to do this work. The interview might ignite some valuable insights for you.
Integrity applies in relationships too. Recently I asked a few friends about their love languages when it comes to friendships. The good news is that we share similar priorities – quality time and words of appreciation.
The sad news is we let busyness or distractions get the better of us. We do not take time to be with each other or show appreciation for each other. Giving gifts, which is a lower priority for us, ends up being the default way we express love!
Can you think of a time when you are not living up to what you say matters most to you? Look closely and you might be surprised by what you’ll find.
Whenever we are not congruent between our actions and what truly matters to us, our energy gets dispersed. Our Higher Self watches us willing our way forward, wondering when we will have the courage to come to our own.
When our energy is dispersed, we try to do, be or cater to too many, and we end up feeling overtaxed or drained. Think of it like we keep changing radio stations, and we can’t fully enjoy any program.
The more we live in alignment with what matters most to us, the more concentrated our energy becomes. We get to enjoy the fruit of our labor because the clear resonance in us draws in the right support from those vibrating at the similar frequency.
Living in integrity is not just a sound leadership or morale principle. It helps us bring out more of who we truly are. As a result, we get to enjoy doing more of what we love while making great contributions to others.
If you are wondering when it is safe to make a change, please do not wait for the economy, market or stars to be in your favor. The best security is cultivating deep level of self-trust and abilities to manifest the life you desire.
If you are ready to get out of the box and explore what is really possible for you, contact me for a 1/2-hour free consultation to see how I can support you.
With Love,