
level of consciousness

Consciousness – Are You a Warrior or Visionary?

Self-help consciousness is the warrior in us while cocreator consciousness is the visionary in us. While self-help consciousness focuses on what we know, cocreator consciousness asks us to step into the unknown. Instead of using healing to resolve specific issues, we use healing to birth a greater version of us. 


From Manifestation to Living in the Flow

Manifesting our desires inherently leads us to cast judgement on what we don’t want. When we stop resisting and aligns with nature. Time expands and unexpected abundance showers upon us.


Go Beyond the 5 Senses

Being vigilant to protect ourselves works until we want to have a far better future. If we want to bloom where we are planted, we need inspirations that transcend the fear of danger.


Healing in Our Relationships

Our unfinished business does not serve anyone. When we heal by resolving old burdens, it benefits generations before and after because it shifts consciousness in the collective. 


Untapped Potential of the Body

Learning to use the body for discernment is a game changer. Your body can discern what’s important and relevant to you, regardless of others’ opinions and studies. The mind cannot access these subtle cues.


Can We Truly Heal?

The healing process reclaims the lost parts of ourselves. We learn to walk with grace no matter what happens. Unexpectedly we uncover hidden treasures within us.


In Honor of the Ancestors

We need to complete our soul contracts by addressing unresolved burdens, such as regret or disappointment, with the deceased. What we resolve helps the entire lineage.


Bridging the Gap

When we focus on healing the pain, we get a set of results. When we focus on healing our relationships with the pain, we unlock our superpowers.


For the Love of Water

Water is essential for us and Planet Earth. Take advantage of this Divine Blessing to balance the water element within you and around you.

Woman brain Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Releasing Old Agreements

Many agreements we make with ourselves and others affect our quality of life. As our values and desires change, these agreements need to be released energetically.

Image by Mary Gorobchenko from Pixabay

Embrace the Healer Within

We are energy being with a body. Keeping the communication channel open between the energy being and body allows healing to occur much faster.

Eduardo Rocha Dudu from Pixabay

Difference between Emotions and Feelings

Ruminating the past reinforces old hurts and wrongs; it slows down the healing process. When we work with bodily sensations triggered by emotions, we heal faster.

Carmen K Lee

Guiding clients to use their  challenges as springboards to develop their full potential so that they have the confidence and courage to go for what they want in life.


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