

Insidious Ways of Being out of Integrity

Whenever we are not congruent between our actions and what truly matters to us, our energy gets dispersed, and we end up feeling overtaxed. The more we live in alignment with what matters most to us, the more concentrated our energy becomes. We get to enjoy the fruit of our labor more.

Quang Nguyen vinh from Pixabay

Simplify to Amplify

When we declutter our mind, emotions and living spaces, we can access the wherewithal to do what we know is best for us, even if it might have seemed insurmountable before.


Breaking Your Own Glass Ceilings

When your stories cause you to react out of fear, anxiety, or insufficiency, your effectiveness is greatly diminish These stories block you from connecting with your magnificence.

Inner Home of Happiness

Building Your Inner Home of Happiness

Stop looking to people or situations to make you happy. Inner happiness is an underlying state of peace and well-being that allows you to trust yourself and the Universe.


Your Love Heals Generations Before and After

Everything is made of energy. Any emotions or thoughts are forms of energy that affect our bodies, relationships, homes, and so on. The love and healing we embrace for ourselves can resolve unconscious burdens for our parents and children.


What is Your Source of Inspiration?

Perseverance works for a while; eventually something’s got to give.
Inspirational practices uplift you, opening you to new hopes and possibilities. They are necessary for the best version of you to emerge.


Allow Your Spirit to Soar

If we recognize our nature as spirit, death is not a barrier between us and those we love. Death is an invitation for us to connect with the invisible realm. We can grieve our loss while feeling the love that holds and nourishes us.

The Creator and LaMenteEsMaravillosa on Pinterest

Be a Love Activist

When we open-heartedly love into all aspects of ourselves, we stop projecting what we don’t want to see within ourselves into the world. These projections often show up as criticism, condemnation, alienation, and so on. 


Opening to the Flow of Abundance

Any form of complaint or criticism contracts your system, restricting blood flow that supports higher brain functions. This blocks you from recognizing the wealth of resources available to you.


Making the Most Out of 2022

If you struggle with following through on your goals, is it possible that your why is not “big” enough to motivate you? Maybe you want to play it safe, or you are unclear about your values, or there is a misalignment between your goals and your values. 


Musings on Faith and Trust

Faith arises from the heart, and trust comes from the mind. Alignment between the heart and mind puts us in a state of flow and healing. We feel lucky and manifesting desires becomes effortless!


Embrace the Gift of Receiving

Being a gracious receiver is a form of self-love. If you want others to support your dreams, stop being controlling and trying so hard. This will open you to a new dimension of love and an enriching life.

Carmen K Lee

Guiding clients to use their  challenges as springboards to develop their full potential so that they have the confidence and courage to go for what they want in life.


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