

Allow Your Spirit to Soar

If we recognize our nature as spirit, death is not a barrier between us and those we love. Death is an invitation for us to connect with the invisible realm. We can grieve our loss while feeling the love that holds and nourishes us.

The Creator and LaMenteEsMaravillosa on Pinterest

Be a Love Activist

When we open-heartedly love into all aspects of ourselves, we stop projecting what we don’t want to see within ourselves into the world. These projections often show up as criticism, condemnation, alienation, and so on. 


Opening to the Flow of Abundance

Any form of complaint or criticism contracts your system, restricting blood flow that supports higher brain functions. This blocks you from recognizing the wealth of resources available to you.


Making the Most Out of 2022

If you struggle with following through on your goals, is it possible that your why is not “big” enough to motivate you? Maybe you want to play it safe, or you are unclear about your values, or there is a misalignment between your goals and your values. 


Musings on Faith and Trust

Faith arises from the heart, and trust comes from the mind. Alignment between the heart and mind puts us in a state of flow and healing. We feel lucky and manifesting desires becomes effortless!


Embrace the Gift of Receiving

Being a gracious receiver is a form of self-love. If you want others to support your dreams, stop being controlling and trying so hard. This will open you to a new dimension of love and an enriching life.

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Embracing Passion, Purpose, and Uncertainties

The answers to living your magnificent life are embedded in you. Get out of survival mode or victim mentality; be open to look at your life through new lens!

John Hain from Pixabay2

Change Our Stories, Transform Our Relationship with the Divine

The presence of the Divine is with us. It is a question of whether we are willing to honor the divinity in us, instead of identifying ourselves with our limitations, burdens and traumas.

Mystic Art Design from Pixabay

Letting Your Stories Confine or Propel You

When we focus on “running away from” something, the results will be limiting. When we reframe our stories around possibilities and learning, that will lead to unimaginable opportunities for our Greatness to emerge.

Gratitude for Divina West contributing to the image

Turning Uncertainties and Losses Into Incredible Openings

Uncertainties and losses shake us up, freeing ourselves from the boxes we don’t know we are in. This shaking up process often brings huge opportunities for growth and opportunities.

Source: Sam Bark on

3 Keys to Manifest Beyond Expectations

Manifestation of our goals and desires is a result of inner alignment combined with opportunities from the Universe or Divine. Mental chatter and busyness block access to both!


Tap Into Wisdom of Your Emotions

Using positive thinking to avoid feeling the emotions can create greater havoc in your life. Learn this simple process to gain insight from your emotions.

Carmen K Lee

A whole-person coach, guide, and facilitator who empowers change leaders to rise above their circumstances to fulfill their dreams and desires.


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