“I have worked with Carmen for several years and with each experience I leave feeling renewed, inspired, supported, and understood. I took the Rebirth Essentials class, which provided wonderful guidance and helped me greatly during a time where I was feeling stuck. I still will look at the materials provided during times where I need inspiration and find that the lessons learned are always able to be applied…I am deeply grateful and appreciative of having someone like Carmen who is strongly connected to Divine Mother Energy and uses her talents to help others. In this complicated journey we call life, it is vital to have people like Carmen who can guide us find a deeper meaning and purpose.
Veronica C., Arizona
Carmen is a compassionate and caring healer. Feeling blessed by her gifts and sharing in the Tap into your Authentic Power sessions. I am gradually being nudged into the new, and letting go of some old choices that aren’t serving me so well.
Ellen R, Canada
“…We had individuals from different parts of world and with different background, work experience and culture…We connected so well that even when we had not met in-person…it actually spread positive vibes to me and I experienced amazing support and confidence to deal with the pandemic situation…The learnings from these sessions were so easy to connect that I was able to implement them immediately and could see its impact.”
Abha Parchure, India
“The program has been a good experience for me. I felt I was always in a hurry and I noticed that the energetic booster shifted my relationship to time where I now feel a new spaciousness with time. I am feeling much freer with time now, and I am getting clearer about the vision for my life. I appreciate Carmen’s authenticity and I know she supports people by holding them in a sacred space.”
Denise Jackson, Washington
“The first day, my phone rang off the hook! Patients calling for appointments! My open heart opened up something I cannot express. It’s palpable, and others have noticed. Thank you Carmen.”
Dr. Damon West, California
“…her teachings and healings has brought more joy and love in my life. My life is flourishing and I am working on gaining clarity to use my voice to help others. Thank you so much, Carmen.”
Nan Beland, California
“…Having gone through the process I am more calm, centered, and grounded in who I am. This approach has also shifted how I relate to others. In a matter of months I have worked through marital challenges that I have struggled with for years. My approach to leadership has shifted and had a net positive effect on my business..”
SU, Wisconsin