Rebirth Essentials 2023


Enliven the Magic Destined For You

You do not need to be completely healed to enjoy life or live your full potential. Healing happens when you make a conscious choice to live up to your full potential. Reclaim your potential is a gateway to healing and your wholeness!

In this journey, you will be held in a sacred space for cultivating your innate gifts and healing capacities. You will learn practices and gain insights to cocreate with the Universe, live in the flow and awaken the magic in you! 

There will also be fun experiments to deepen your connection with the invisible forces who love you unconditionally.

This journey is for you if:

  • you feel called for a higher purpose that has not yet been fully revealed to you
  • you desire to deepen the magical connection with Nature and Universal Love
  • you want to learn tools to help others and global issues
  • you need tools and support for your awakening process to be more graceful and easeful
  • you feel isolated and you yearn to feel deeply connected with yourself and all of life
  • you are pulled in many directions and want to live in the flow
  • you tend to doubt yourself and want to develop greater confidence and self-trust

Artwork by Daniel B Holeman

This journey comprises six milestones outlined as follows:

September 9 – Build a Sacred Container: connect with your essence to accompany you on this journey; allow the group consciousness to support your intention and journey

September 16  – Live as a Cocreator with the Universe: raise awareness of and transform conscious and unconscious limitations; align all parts of you to say YES as a creator of your life

September 23 – Allow Innate Wisdom to Rise: deepen mind-heart-body-spirit connection; give voice to unexpressed parts of you; expand how intuition comes to you and deepen your trust in acting on your innate wisdom

September 30 – Enliven the Healer Within: make peace with the past; combine wisdom of the body with Universal Love for healing and renewal; allow the healing power within to support you and all that you care

October 7 – Develop Intimacy with Your Divine Team: let go of hierarchical framework, befriend your Divine Team for guidance, projects, and everyday needs; let the magic begin!

October 14 – Let Nature Be the Wind Beneath Your Wings: honor the laws of nature to live in the flow; learn how to be comfortable with the unknown, know when to act, and when to rest, observe and be still

All sessions are held via Zoom on six consecutive Saturdays, from 9 to 10:30 am Pacific.

Sessions replays will be available to participants within 48 hours of each session.




“…We had individuals from different parts of world and with different background, work experience and culture…We connected so well that even when we had not met in-person…it actually spread positive vibes to me and I experienced amazing support and confidence to deal with the pandemic situation…The learnings from these sessions were so easy to connect that I was able to implement them immediately and could see its impact.” 

Abha Parchure, India


“The program has been a good experience for me. I felt I was always in a hurry and I noticed that the energetic booster shifted my relationship to time where I now feel a new spaciousness with time. I am feeling much freer with time now, and I am getting clearer about the vision for my life. I appreciate Carmen’s authenticity and I know she supports people by holding them in a sacred space.”

Denise Jackson, Washington


“The first day, my phone rang off the hook! Patients calling for appointments! My open heart opened up something I cannot express. It’s palpable, and others have noticed. Thank you Carmen.”

Dr. Damon West, California

“…her teachings and healings has brought more joy and love in my life. My life is flourishing and I am working on gaining clarity to use my voice to help others. Thank you so much, Carmen.”

Nan Beland, California


“Carmen is a compassionate and caring healer. Feeling blessed by her gifts and sharing in the Tap into your Authentic Power sessions. I am gradually being nudged into the new, and letting go of some old choices that aren’t serving me so well.

Ellen R, Ontario, Canada


“…Having gone through the process I am more calm, centered, and grounded in who I am. This approach has also shifted how I relate to others. In a matter of months I have worked through marital challenges that I have struggled with for years. My approach to leadership has shifted and had a net positive effect on my business..”
SU, Wisconsin

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