Tap Into Your Authentic Power


When you are held in a supportive space, you can learn to connect with your own sacred within and tap into your authentic power. Carmen creates a safe container for you to raise your vibrational frequency so that you can transcend limiting patterns and create the life you desire.

This 3-month transformational program offers lasting changes by helping you let go of limitations and step into new possibilities for greater vitality, enriching relationships and creating success on your own terms.




This 3-month program includes six personal coaching sessions with Carmen, daily blessing or energetic support, emergency email/text support, and a bonus energy clearing session. You will learn tools and practices that help you tap into your innate gifts and wisdom. Carmen holds a stable and loving space so that you feel safe and empowered to release encumbrances that limit you. You will gain clarity on your blindspots and priorities. As you tap into your authentic power, life opens up for you in amazing ways!

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